Seven Signs You Might Be Stuck In The Wrong Crowd

Warnings Of Unintentionally Surrounding Yourself With Negativity:

Logan Tucker
7 min readSep 7, 2020
Photo by Justice Amoh on Unsplash

You become alike to the people that you surround yourself with. You’ll get as far in life as the people you speak to. If you spend your days surrounded by those who have no knowledge, what information or inspiration could they possibly have to offer? What’s the point in focusing on those who remain a distraction?

It’s definitely something to keep in mind.

Let’s look at some examples:

You’re Changing Your Hobbies

It’s sometimes hard to visualize yourself changing without being able realize the evolution of your everyday life. Take a second to look back and ask yourself if you might’ve changed without even noticing. Maybe you believe it’s innocent to change your hobbies for no reason but in reality, it’s a common warning sign to possibly change your surroundings. Losing your hobbies can lead you to losing your motivation and will damage your potential as well as your talents, creativity and sometimes your own morality. Don’t put aside your hobbies and interests to focus more on irrelevance. I once lost touch with my passions after changing my instincts and moving onto things that only kept me from prospering. Today, I only wish I’d have kept those passions close as I now question myself on how far would I be today if I didn’t delay what was truly important.

Your Goals and Aspirations Have Changed.

If someone else feels the right to tell you what’s best for you, stay away! Not a single soul on God’s green Earth knows who you are better than you. Once someone else is trying to convince you to make a decision that you don’t want to make and you start to believe them, you’re no longer living your own life. Don’t let other people control your goals and aspirations. The wrong crowds are everywhere and will swarm an innocent individual like bees. Sooner or later you’ll find yourselves changing and not for the better. You’ll change for the acceptance and attention from an unneeded group and you might end up distancing yourself from who you are truly meant to become. It’s normal to become oblivious and believe that your opinions and goals may have changed as you’ve found a different circle. You might believe it in your heart that you are changing but not because anyone else has forced you. This is similar to a hypocrite or relatable to a pathological liar that eventually starts to believe the lies that he/she has already told. The wrong individuals may guilt trip you into making different decisions that your past self would never make and the rest of your life could be lived to succumb to the people around you instead of yourself. Chase the goals you wish to make come true without feeling it is necessary to chase for others’ approval.

You’re Influenced Into Scenarios That Could Get You In Trouble

It’s sadly easy to find connections that lead you to paying attention to pointless delinquent actions instead of doing good for the world. If you’re starting to feel guilt-tripped into making decisions, you’re conscience is eagerly trying to talk you out of it but continues to be ignored. It’s not rare for myself to stress the importance of inner instincts as it is disappointing when the natural instincts of someone get overwhelmed by the pressure of society… So much so that the reality of consequences just seem to fly out the window. More people would rather please others in order to fit in, as opposed to thinking about the future and what amount of damage that their present decisions could cause for their future self to live up to. I’ve witnessed a few close people in my life who fell victim to always pleasing others and not looking out for themselves when it mattered. Those people today continue to suffer for making those decisions and will forever be responsible for staying loyal to those who didn’t deserve it. Once you make bad decisions, there’s no changing the past.

Your Vocabulary Often Changes

The way you speak often reflects on the image of your character. Your vocabulary can strengthen or damage other people’s opinions on who you are as a person. It’s a good thing not to stress about what others will think of you; However, speech is a delicate topic that can improve your chances at gaining newer friends, getting a job and appearing as an overall intelligent individual. Many different people -especially adults- would rather converse with someone who is willing and able to sharpen their articulation. It never hurts and it’s very important. It’s not possible to grow older and mature at a slow rate and have a sophisticated conversation if you still continue to speak like an uneducated teenager. If you’ve noticed that your vocabulary stays the same as your younger self or someone who is simply bad at conversation, you’ve drawn a red flag as the community around you may not be helping.

You‘re Always Proving Your Worth

If proving your worth to others shall dictate the loyalty of your friendship, they are certainly not your real friends. These manipulative people are likely dictators, bullies or just flat-out selfish and tend to pressure the weak and use them for their own good. Others choose to waste their valuable time proving their worth to those who judge them, than actually putting that time to good use. When I decided to quit living for others’ approval and repair my mistakes, I began to feel more accomplished and more productive than I ever thought was possible. I had the common sense to understand the difference between those cared and those who used me as a pawn and I’m glad I made the decision to start thinking more clear. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t even be writing. I paid attention to what was best for me and what would help me become a better person and I encourage others to make this decision every day. Your life doesn’t progress based on what you do for attention or acceptance. Your life can only move forward if you set the goals for yourself and make it your own priority to finish what needs to be done. Don’t always assume that catering to those you hold close will eventually make you successful or even happy. You’ll spend the rest of your life being taken for granted. There’s a difference between helping those who would help you and helping those who use you. Self-love is something you can’t rely on others to do for you. Remember that.

You’re Blaming Others

At this point, you might’ve already been manipulated. Psychologically, many people become delusional after betraying those who needed them. These people often place blame on others due to the truth being so overwhelming. Deep down inside, this person may know for a fact that they’ve changed but cannot willingly admit or accept the fact that they’re no longer who they use to be. This all starts once the wrong crowd has taken full control. This entire scenario becomes a giant mess that could’ve easily been avoided if the wrong crowd was never let inside your life, in the first place. Anyone can be mislead to believing that there are better people to cope with. I wouldn’t suggest blaming others for your own choices. If you’ve accused those who cared of not contacting you or spending time with you, it’s best to address the situation before shutting them out of your life forever.

You’re Making Time For The Wrong People

Don’t skip out on your relative’s funeral or a close friend’s birthday to run off and do something stupid. Even if you choose to take time away from those who need you, I believe it’s one of the worse things to do to someone who needed you more than you needed them. It’s obviously one of the biggest red flags in this situation and needs to be thought through before deciding to spend your day with the completely wrong crowd. Not only are you proving that you’re not a loyal or caring person, you’re risking the chance at losing someone who counted on you most. This is something I’ve seen in MANY people and sadly ruins good friendships. There’s nothing worse than seeing loyalty get thrown away because you had a hunch to discover new people. There are good people in the world but some are often selfish disguised as good and will trick you into doing wrong. Pay attention to who has had your back in the past before finding something different. Don’t expect the rest of the world to always be there for you if you can’t do the same. It’s hard to get others to stick around after proving disloyalty and it’s even harder to get them back when they’re gone.

The Consequences:

Don’t become someone that your future self will one day have to forgive. Don’t pressure yourself into becoming an entirely different individual. The possibility of losing old friends is also likely when you choose to move on from those who cared about you most. You’ll lose loyalty that you never knew you had because you were too oblivious to visualize the difference in real and fake friends. It’s hard to tell the difference and it’s okay. It’s hard to trust other people and that’s a heavy understatement. But once you know that there are good people who only want the best for you, I suggest never letting those people go. Don’t put yourself into situations that you know you’ll pay for later. Thank your day-ones and appreciate those who only want the best for you.

I hope this article has helped and if you’d like to read more, please follow my profile for upcoming articles.

Thanks for reading. Best of luck! Logan Tucker



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