How I Chose My Target Audience As A New Medium Blogger:

Choosing a target audience was surprisingly easy. I took what I knew and learned from early experience and began to capitalize on the opportunity and put it to good use. It is my mission to benefit those who would take the valuable time out of their day to read my story as best as I can. I greatly appreciate your attention.

Logan Tucker
5 min readDec 1, 2020
Photo by Hayley Catherine on Unsplash

My Life As A New Writer:

Just a short time ago, signing up for Medium was something I was very interested in. I’m now able to say that I love the community and all of the articles I come across to gain inspiration from on any occasion that I have the chance.

I had a goal to sign up for Medium, as well as the Partner Program to get my lesser-known name out there into a community of writers, and possibly influence those who can put my advice to good use. I don’t expect to earn an insane amount of money in less than a year like most of these articles will desperately try inform you; However, I have high hopes that I could possibly get there someday in the future.

The only task that remained on my mind was: Who is my target audience?

Given that I’m only 19 years old and don’t have a very big following, I was curious as to who would want to take advice from a newly-rising young-adult teen. But I also believe in the philosophy of having the same knowledge of anyone in the world regardless of age. I’ve experienced a lot in my life and I understand a lot of issues surrounding the world from a youthful, yet intellectual level.

Knowledge & Experience

I was homeschooled at sixth grade and studied on a much more stable level than some other individuals around my age group. I got my high school diploma at eighteen by learning from home ever since, and have been writing everything since I was a child. I’ve always known that becoming a writer was going to be in my future due to my ongoing passions that I’ve always had for the art, and the pride for telling my own stories was too great not to continue. Throughout my life I’ve spent a lot of time writing; writing in my journal, writing songs, creating fictional television scripts at home, or even -as a kid- asking my elementary teachers to let me use my lunch and recess time to work on the fictional stories that I had created in my free time. I’ve always loved writing whatever I could at any given time. Eventually I got older and carried on the tradition of freestyle-writing and also got into writing my own papers, projects and essays simply just for fun. Just before I finally graduated, I had begun working on topics such as politics, history, and especially mental health.

Mental Illness

Mental health was something that spoke very deeply to me because I had struggled with it for several years at a young age. It was easy for me to write about, as well as being able to indicate my information and opinions due to how well I was able to perceive the subject to inform those who couldn’t quite understand it. For those who did understand, I was able to help guide and strengthen a few of my close friendships of people who also knew the struggles that come with mental illness. Some of those people are now my current friends that I still hold close to this day.

Soon, mental illness survivors were beginning to sound like the perfect target audience for me to help guide while along my path to becoming a better writer. The topic of mental illness is a simple way for me to spend countless hours at my keyboard to provide helpful advice and lead those who wish to understand or relate to the issues that I so easily recognize.

Giving Advice As A New Writer

Writing, in general, has always been an important key in stabilizing my mental health and you can read more about it: here.

It’s always fun for myself to help others with any sort of meaningful advice; Even giving advice to writers who don’t struggle with mental issues. Coming up with stories of writing both nonfiction or fiction can be quite a challenge but it’s a challenge that I’ve chosen to tackle while also continuously helping others along the road of my journey.

I’m aware that I’m not the biggest uprising star in the book world, but I pray that it doesn’t necessarily mean that my advice is somehow invalid. I hope others see the true aspect of what I do, and grant me the opportunity to make a greater impact with the talent that I hope I’ve come to possess.


The common denominator in all of my articles pretty much comes down to teaching self-improvement; Whether it’d be expressing my opinions and experiences of mental illness, giving helpful tips to becoming a better writer, or anything possible that could help someone see that they have all the potential in the world. Becoming someone who vows to make an impact and follow their dreams is someone that I aspire to be, as well as motivating others to eventually see it that same way.

We all hold an enormous amount potential during our lives and it’s such a waste when I see an individual with the strength, courage, experience, and the God-given talents, to end up throwing it all away and refusing to prosper.

You have a mission. Make it your priority. Make it your dream. Chase it. Succeed.

As of right now, I’ll continue to make it my priority to help you see that.

Advice For Choosing Your Target Audience

It wouldn’t be a real article of mine if I didn’t try to help my readers in any way that I possibly can. If you are also curious about finding the right audience, then let me help you.

It’s pretty simple to understand that I chose my target audiences based on my own knowledge and experiences. Having the correct and personal information about what you already know is the highest chance of growing the best amount of followers for your growing content. It’s the same way you’d say that it would be easier for someone who enjoys horror movies to write bone-chilling thrillers, rather than someone who’s never read a thriller a day in their life.

Growing up struggling with mental illness and writing about anything I desired at a young age was easy to explain because I’ve lived through absolutely everything that I’ve ever written. My battles with Depression, OCD, and Bipolar Disorder were all blessings in disguise that helped me become an even better writer than I ever though I could be.

If you know that you are more educated to a topic than anyone else around you, I strongly encourage you to write about it. Tell your story! Use your experiences and intelligence to draw the best conclusions to capture the public’s attention. Sooner or later, people that share your opinions will manifest in what you write because it is simply better than someone who is oblivious to the reality of what you’re trying to teach.

I hope my article for today has helped you and if it did, I recommend that you check out my other stories in my profile and follow for any upcoming works.

Thank you for reading! Best wishes and good luck.Logan Tucker



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