Being Thankful During A Pandemic

Recognizing to be thankful throughout the holidays during the crisis of Covid-19

Logan Tucker
4 min readNov 25, 2020
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to take time and address the difficulty in being thankful during a worldwide pandemic and how it is still possible.

I know what you’re thinking — “What is there to possibly be thankful of during a time like this?” First off, I’m fully aware that Covid-19 doesn’t allow us to fully enjoy spending time with our loved ones since there are so many protocols and worries of social gatherings. Quarantine hasn’t been pleasant for anyone. That’s for sure. But it doesn’t mean that we can’t look on the bright side…

Allow me to present to you why I believe that it is still possible to enjoy life during this temporary pandemic.

Technology & Social Media

One thing I love most about my generation is that I’ve been blessed with the privilege to be born in an era of social media and other amazing technology. Having ways to connect with loved ones from a long distance with things like Skype, Zoom, or any social media platform is an amazing alternative while maintaining a safe distance at home. It may not be the most fun thing to do, but having these blessings as an alternative isn’t about “fun”. It’s simply and only about being thankful for what our world today has to offer during this crucial time. These types of alternatives are easily overlooked and instead should be much appreciated.

Don’t open your next app or device without thinking about how difficult things would actually be without it. Our evolution in technology has made us plenty to be thankful for and should simply never be forgotten.


Since the start of the Coronavirus outbreak, the entire world and especially the United States have been placed on temporary shutdowns with months of agonizing quarantine being forced into the public’s lives. Little do people realize that Covid-19 gave plenty of people a lot of time at home to possibly put to good use. Many of us have been forced into home isolation for the past 8 months and are highly-likely to be bored out of our minds. But if we look on the bright side, we’re free to quarantine at home and focus on things that we all might’ve previously been procrastinating. Regardless of whether you were actually tested positive for Coronavirus or not, we ALL were told to obey the law and the government’s requests to keep a distance away from the public. There’s no excuse for sitting at home and claiming to be bored or bummed out if there are things that you could do to past the time. Again; it may not be fun. It may not be better than quality time with friends or family. But at least you have the time to focus on your other priorities.

Frontline Workers

I’d like to give credit where credit is due and also be thankful for the employees who dedicate their lives to helping the public in moving forward during this time of need.

It’s time to show our appreciation for those who put each of their own lives at risk to helping our community, in order to make our society feel as normal as we can get until it is eventually time to put this virus to rest.

From all of the doctors to each of our local grocery store managers, I appreciate everyone who continues to work on a daily basis to provide our society with our needed essentials as we prepare for possible spikes in Coronavirus cases and await a looming vaccine to be tested and released to the world. We shall pray for a quick recovery for our patient society and express our gratitude and thanks to our numerous frontline workers.

Thank you all!

You’re Alive

Let’s take a quick minute and actually look at the statistics from this year’s pandemic:

The United States’ confirmed cases -as of November 25th- has reached 12,000,000 cases from the start of the outbreak earlier this year.

The confirmed death cases has reached at least over 250,000 people.

The world population has now lost 1.4 Million people in less than a year

Friends, Family, Children; ALL have been affected by this horrible tragedy.

But you are alive…

It’s very easy not to be able to fully understand how horrible this virus truly is until either you- yourself have actually contacted the virus, or you possibly lose a loved one that you never imagined could be taken away in an instant. This is a serious virus. It has no friends. Only enemies. And you do not want to be on the wrong side.

I encourage you all to appreciate what the world has to offer right now, and thank God for the blessings that we have received while we all struggle through this horrible time. Pray that we can defeat this virus and never look back at the year of 2020 ever again.

Be thankful. Enjoy your Thanksgiving. Keep a positive mindset and things can only get better.

Thanks for reading. — Logan Tucker

